Category: Events

Universal Worship Service Sunday, October 20, 10am

Altar for Universal Worship

The Canaan Congregational Church and the Abode of the Message Join Together to Host a Universal Worship Service

Sunday, October 20, 10:00am
1670 County Route 5, Canaan

The Canaan Congregational Church and the Abode of the Message cordially invite neighbors and friends to attend a Universal Worship Service, offered by ordained ministers in the Inayatiyya Sufi tradition.

Created by a Sufi mystic of the 20th century, it honors major religions and spiritual paths through readings from each tradition that demonstrate a chosen common theme. Sometimes music or practices from those traditions are included.

The Sufi tradition believes that religions and spiritual traditions have the potential at their core to lead to realizations that foster increased tolerance, compassion and gratitude. This inclusive service recognizes our uniqueness, diversity and spiritual liberty; while it simultaneously reminds us of our unity in the one divine boundless Being, by whatever name that may be called.

Following the service will be a question-and-answer exchange. Light refreshments will be served. Please join us for this uplifting event!

What is most necessary today is the awakening of the heart. It does not matter what religion people profess if they know the depth of religion which is love. All the different forms of religious service, and the forms of prayer, behind them what secret purpose is there? It is to prepare the heart for that bliss which only love can give…. For the religion of love is the religion of tolerance, the religion of love is the religion of forgiveness.
– Hazrat Inayat Khan

Canaan Town Wide Yard Sale

Flyer for Canaan NY Town Wide Yard Sale to be held October 12, 2024

October 12, 2024 9:00am-3:00pm

Rain date 10/13

Hello, Canaan residents and neighbors!

The Canaan Climate Smart Task Force invites you to a fun and eco-friendly town-wide yard sale! Discover a variety of yard sales throughout the community, all conveniently located in one area.

How to Participate

Host a Sale: Sell items from your own Canaan home.
Join Us at Stoddard Field: Bring your items and a table to sell at our central location.

Special Features

Free table: Browse and find free treasures!
Repair Café: Bring your favorite items for on-the-spot repairs. (lamps, wood glueing chairs, jewelry, small sewing projects, small appliances are some examples.)

To participate at Stoddard Field or have your address listed in the next flyer, please contact Marion by September 25th. Email or text (646) 752-8340.

Additional Activities

Enjoy food, festivities, and attractions at Stoddard Field. Interested in vending or playing music at the field during the sale? Let us know.

Join us for a fantastic day of community fun and sustainable shopping!

Download the flyer.

Health Care Consortium, NY Connects and Alzheimer's Association logos

Resource Roundtable Series: Resources Available to Seniors

Columbia County residents are cordially invited to attend the next installment of Canaan UCC’s “Resource Roundtable Series,” on Friday, August 2 at 10:30 AM at 1670 County Rt. 5, Canaan. This is the second in a series of presentations that have been planned by staff at NY Connects – Columbia County, a program of The Healthcare Consortium.

This workshop will be presented by Rachel Cole, Consumer Assistance Programs Coordinator at the Healthcare Consortium. At this workshop, Cole will discuss resources available to seniors; provide applications for Medicaid, the Medicare Savings Plan, and Elderly Pharmaceutical and Insurance Coverage (EPIC); and share recent news articles on topics such as saving on prescription medication costs and developments in funding for additional senior housing. Additionally, Cole will offer guidance on navigating Medicare and other health insurance programs.

For additional information about the Consumer Assistance Programs available at the Healthcare Consortium, contact Rachel by email at .

Cover of Atul Gawande's book "Bring Mortal"

No One Gets Out Alive

“Living While Dying” is a film by Cathy Zheutlin which follows the stories of four of her friends with terminal illness. Each of them chose to live out their lives with courage and grace, and sometimes humor.

Dying is a profound experience for the one who is dying and for the family and friends surrounding them. Though we may immediately think of death as depressing and morose, this film reminds us that even in death there is hope and beauty.

This 45-minute documentary is a follow up to our recent community read of Atul Gawande’s book “Being Mortal.” We will show it on Thursday, August 15, at 9:30 AM. We will have a community discussion following the film led by the Rev. Quentin Chin. Everyone is invited to attend this free event.

The Path What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us About the Good Life book cover

What Is The Path To A Good Life?

How Can We Live In This World When It Seems So Chaotic and Disordered?

What Can Philosophies From Over 2000 Years Ago Teach Us Today?

Michael Puett, a professor of Chinese history at Harvard, wrote “The Path What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us About the Good Life.” He neatly encapsulated the philosophies of Confucius, Mencius, Laozi, the Inward Training, Zhuangzi, and Xunzi to invite the reader to reframe their understanding of relationships, decisions, influence, vitality, spontaneity, and humanity.

In the book’s preface, Pruett wrote, “Many of us now believe that each of us should be a unique individual who knows himself. We believe we should be authentic, loyal to a truth we now tend to locate not in a higher deity but within ourselves…. But what if these ideas that we believe enhance our lives are actually limiting us?” Chinese philosophy, however, turns that on its head.

We will have a community read of this book on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM. Our first meeting will be August 20. Subsequent dates will be August 27, Sept 3, Sept 10, Sept 17, and Sept 24. Participants will provide their own books. Prior to the first session, please read the first two chapters (Pages 5 – 22). We will distribute a full reading schedule at the first session.

Please note that though this book’s topic is philosophy, it is very readable, and frankly, hard to put down.

Don’t Be Shy!

Share with Us Photos of Your Summer Excursions, Celebrations, Get-Togethers and General All Round Fun Times!

Please provide us with jpegs and descriptions so we can post them for all to live vicariously and join in the fun.

Cellist/bassist Isaac Mingus

Music to our Ears! Cellist Isaac Mingus to play on July 7 at 10 AM

We’ve been delighted to welcome cellist/bassist Isaac Mingus from Florida who has joined us this summer!

He is playing in the Orchestra at Barrington Stage for their production of La Cage Aux Folles, and has found (we hope) a temporary worship home at the Canaan Congregational Church.

Recently, he graced our service in the sanctuary with two lovely pieces. Please come and hear this accomplished young musician while he is in our midst.

Conversations with our Elders Working the Prison Shift

Join us on July 14 at 10 AM, the second Sunday of the month service on Zoom, and hear some interesting stories from the working lives of our elders.

Namely, Martha Lagerwall, who taught GED classes, and June Houghton, who was a public health educator, will talk about their experiences teaching in the prisons.

So, just what was it like to have those bars clang shut and lock behind you?

Email or call 518-781-4775 and leave us your email address for the Zoom link if you don’t have it.

Blanket Sunday, your love in action

Blanket Sunday 2024

This year, our Blanket Sunday offering will be on Sunday July 21. We will be accepting donations until the end of the month. Our donations will support Church World Service’s mission to provide tens of thousands of warm, durable blankets to people around the world facing homelessness, recovering from disasters, and fleeing from conflict.

A gift of ten dollars purchases a blanket for one individual and 50 dollars will provide blankets for an entire family.

Please support the Blanket Sunday initiative. If you will not be in church that day and would still like to contribute, please send a check payable to the Canaan Congregational Church and indicate in the memo portion that the check is for CWS Blanket Sunday.

Donations may be mailed to the Canaan Congregational Church, P.O. Box 66, Canaan, NY 12029. Thank you for your gifts to this worthy and longstanding global mission of our church.

– Ed Fallon, for the Missions Team