Rev. Dr. Charles Close Installed as Pastor
On Sunday, November 22, the Rev. Dr. Charles Close was installed as pastor of the Canaan Congregational Church by the Berkshire Association of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ (MACUCC). Members of the pastor search committee were in attendance as well as members of the congregation and the lay leaders of the church. Dignitaries from the MACUCC and the Berkshire Association, as well as local area religious leaders participated in the service and enjoyed the reception at the Canaan Town Hall afterwards.
During the service, a charge was offered to Pastor Close by the Rev. Elizabeth Goodman, pastor of the Monterrey UCC Church. She told Charlie to “delight in this congregation. …They need to be loved more than led. …Lead from beside.” The charge to the congregation was given by the Rev. David Hurst, pastor of Grace Union Church, Wilbraham, in the form of a prayer: “Serve one another…serve God…share the joys, burdens, waivers, faith.” He reminded the congregation that “all pastors are ordinary people who have sought a calling…give your pastor love and compassion.”
The Rev. Goodman reminded all the assembled that “how we are together is more important than what we do…and never miss an opportunity to laugh.”